Floating solar
Efficient renewable energy production through nature-inclusive solar parks.
Solinoor is developing solar projects with a total energy production of 290MW at several locations across the Netherlands. These locations are often (old) sand extraction sites and therefore perfectly suited for renewable energy production through the installation of floating solar parks. This ensures the dual usability of the available surfaces. We encourage local participation and highly value alignment within the regional energy strategy and conservation of surrounding nature.

Benefits of floating solar energy
- Environmental improvements: By integrating nature within our project designs, we build toward self-sustaining ecosystems.
- Higher efficiency: Achieving larger renewable energy yields with lower temperature PV modules above the cooling water surfaces.
- Optimal area usage: Unused available water surfaces can effectively be exploited for large-scale renewable energy production.
Our projects
We use a nature-inclusive design in our projects to enhance and conserve the environment. Our approach includes specially designed green islands and bio-baskets, serving as habitats for plants, birds, and aquatic life. These elements, along with floating solar panels that allow sufficient light penetration, contribute to the development of nature-friendly ecosystems. Our ongoing efforts in refining technology and design ensure the environmental and financial advantages of floating solar parks.
Connect with our energy experts to explore the benefits of floating solar.
Get in touch with our energy experts
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